Monday 5 November 2012

A week of firsts.

So, after ripping my first pair of pants, I realised this week has been an accumulation of new experiences.

I ate my first muscle. Not a fan. Texture of rubber and you can see the organs and gross.

I went to my first Halloween party, and ended up looking after drunk boys the whole night. (Though the looking-after part isn't exactly new, I was doing it in a leopard costume. That counts.)

I ate a punnet of blueberries. I don't even like blueberries. Well, I thought I didn't. I do now. In particular, the hard ones - they're tart and a bit sour and amazing - the soft ones are weird but have the nostalgic aftertaste of blue slush-puppy.

For the first time ever, I played PlayStation 3, and didn't suck. I recall a number of occasions when my guy friends tried to teach me FIFA, and even after exchanging remotes (is that the right term?) at half time, they would double-beat me.

Grand Theft Auto, thought to be a senseless game of stealing cars, running over prostitues and stealing their money, is actually a game of skill and patience. I legitimately completed some of Vlad and Roger's tasks, and finally got Michelle to go on a date with me (I asked if I could come upstairs, but she said no, so we made out instead.) My host-brother found all these codes on the internet, so now I also have a number of helicopters, Corvettes, FBI vehicles, weapons, and other things at my immediate disposal.

This was my first week in which I went out for dinner EVERY NIGHT. My host-parents are absolute social butterflies, and are always occupied with this advocate or this golf-friend or this plastic surgeon. I have eaten about the mass of an elephant this week. Beata me.

I did Krav Magah for the first time this week. My physical education teacher got these 3 boys from the gym down the road to come do a few lessons with us in personal defence. Despite the fact that 2 out of 3 were INSANELY good-looking and just climbing all over each other for demonstrations, it was surprisingly enjoyable.

At one point, one of them had his hands around my neck to demonstrate one of the tactics, and I kind of just stood there. #embarrassing. Also because I was sweating like a woman in labour.  (Do woman in labour sweat? First image that came to mind.)

Also perhaps the first week I've ever done anything productive at school. I volunteered (maybe stupidly) to do a history project, and now another teacher requested that I do a presentation on Apartheid for the class above mine. Most of the time, I do un cazzo at school, so not the end of the world.

This past week was also the first time I could say "I'm going home next month." That was exciting, and probably the highlight of the week of firsts.

Love and light x

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