Friday, 3 February 2012

Io ho mal di testa :(

Headache. Not "crazy balls" as one of my friends put it.

I've been struggling with flu for the past 3 days, but I have to admit that admiring the snow (now a good 10cm of it) from behind closed windows and heated interiors, has its advantages.

I got asked for my number by some Italian kid on the train the other day. If I wanted you to know the details, I would have shared.

One thing I would like to share is my cleaning methods. Do you remember that cartoon "The Jetsons"? I tried to explain it to my host-family... The Flintstones, but in the future, where they live in space and drive flying cars etc? Remember their maid? She used to prep food and it would pop out of an automated door in her belly. My POINT is that they have one of those things. Its a cleaning robot, I swear to God. Its this little round machine that you put on the floor and switch on and it rotates around the room sucking up dust and shit. Proper one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I find every excuse to use it. I still wish it could make my bed, though.

My best friend back home had a longboard accident this week and managed to dislocate his wrist, and break a couple of bones - I dunno, not sure of the exact details. Anyway, Puff Addy Big Poppa Brews, wishing you a fast recovery, my friend. Draw lots of awesome shit on your cast like the canvas on your wall, and remember, "we don't follow no crowd, it follows us."


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